Now its time to install all heating and cooling ducts.  By now you should have made the decision on what type of system you are going to install.  I went with high end because I planned on living in my house for a long time.  Upfront cost  are not always your only decision maker and you need to think about cost of electricity over the years.  I installed a gas backup furnace along with a heat pump.  I also installed a tank less hot water heater. 

   Your climate should also play a part in making a decision on your system.  Now it does not get that hot where I live, but when it does  I really appreciate the fact that  I can cool my house.  When your hvac contractor is installing your system make sure they are sealing everything tight.  Efficiency is in a air tight system and any little hole will cost extra money.  Also my furnace was installed in my garage.  Most contractors just pour concrete around furnace.  I built a pressure treated box so if  I ever needed to replace I could easily pull the furnace out.  My hvac contractor installed all my gas pipe, heating and cooling ducts, thermostat wires, fireplace, cooking stove vent, and bathroom ceiling fans.  If this is something you are doing yourself  I recommend buying your thermostats from amazon. 
It will save you a good amount of money.  You can also buy your Ceiling Fans.   Get good bathroom fans with a high CFM.  I got all my bathroom fans with a CFM of 80 to 100.  If its for your shower and bathroom make sure its over 100 CFM.  This was one area I did not put into estimates and was very surprised on the cost of fans.  If you buy them from link above you can save about 100 dollars per unit.  Just make sure you know what dimensions will fit before ordering.
