Hello my name is Tyler and I created this website for the average person who wants to build their own house. If you have found my website, you obviously are interested in building your own custom dream house. I recently built my home in 2014 and have been living in it for a little over a year now. When I was building I researched everything to do with building a house. I was amazed that no website had a step by step guide to building a house. I found websites claiming to have a step by step guide, but found things like "10 steps to build a house". Ya right, if it were only ten steps, everyone would be a general contractor. A general contractor has a big job to do. They pick the house plan, submit for permits, hire contractors, schedule work, check quality control, pay for materials, pay for labor, resolve issues, deal with inspectors, and if its your own house pick out all the materials. Sound like fun right? Are you stressed out already? Its not so bad if you use some of the advice that I will give you throughout this site. When I built my house I took on a good percentage of the projects myself, in order to save money. That is the beauty of being your own General. You can decide on what jobs you want to do yourself and what jobs you feel are worth paying for.

Now let me tell you a little about myself. I am 36 years old with a beautiful wife and two little girls. I have worked in construction ever since I was old enough to legally work. Most the construction knowledge I had prior to building was in street paving, concrete, etc. To tell you the truth I didn't know much about building a house. What I did know was that I had a lot of friends with different skills and some were actually building houses. This made it much easier for me, because I had a list of subcontractors to chose from. Yes I found some on my own, but it definitely helped to have references from people I trusted. While building our custom house my wife and I both had full time jobs. We bought property about a year before we started to begin the process of building. At this time we contemplated renting out our house and moving in with my parents. Financially it was the smart thing to do, so I promised my wife it would be no more than a year. I am telling you this now because building a house takes sacrifices. It takes hard work and determination to get the job done. It is not only 10 steps and I guarantee their will be problems and issues that arise. How you deal with these issues will deciphers whether your living in your custom dream house or filing for bankruptcy. Hopefully my website will limit these issues you run into and if any make them small issues. With that said, I can say that building my own house was the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I instantly received over 100,000 dollars in equity. I feel like I can accomplish anything and my confidence has never been so high. So if you are willing to take some risks for a huge reward then I will help walk you through the process. Click on the Step By Step GuideĀ  tab to get started.